Working Papers and Selective Work in Progress
Is Job Loss Always Bad for Health? Evidence from National Health Screening (with Hyuncheol Bryant Kim and Jungmin Lee), accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics. [PDF]
The Effects of Exposure to a Large-Scale Recession on Higher Education and Early Labor Market Outcomes (with Eleanor Jawon Choi and Hyelim Son), revise & resubmit at Journal of Human Resources. [PDF]
The Motherhood Effect on Earnings amid Declining Fertility: Evidence from Korea (with Inkyung Yoo)
When Free to Choose Two: Analysis of Double Majors in College (with Yesol Lee)
Risk Compensation after COVID-19 Vaccination: Evidence from Vaccine Rollout by Exact Birth Date in South Korea (with Seung-sik Hwang, Hyuncheol Bryant Kim, Jungmin Lee, and Junseok Lee), Health Economics, 2024, 1–20. [PDF, Appendix] [Online]
Unexpected Longevity, Intergenerational Policies and Fertility (with Seok Ki Kim), Journal of Population Economics, 2023, 36: 1607-1640. [PDF] [Online]
Later, Fewer, None? Recent Trends in Cohort Fertility in South Korea, Demography, 2023, 60 (2): 563-582. [PDF, Appendix] [Online]
Education Gradient in Parents' Childcare Time in South Korea, 1999-2019, Korean Journal of Labor Economics, 2022, 45(3): 1-41. [PDF] [Online]
Transition of Son Preference: Evidence from South Korea (with Eleanor Jawon Choi), Demography, 2020, 57: 627-652. [PDF] [Online]
Gender Norms and Housework Time Allocation among Dual-Earner Couples (with Chulhee Lee and Esther Lee), Labour Economics, 2019, 57: 102-116. [PDF] [Online]
Two Birds with One Stone: Female Labor Supply, Fertility, and Market Childcare (with Seonyoung Park and Donggyun Shin), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2018, 90: 171-193. [PDF] [Online]
Design of Reforms with Time-Inconsistent Voters (with Johanna Mollerstrom), Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2017, 19(3): 748-761. [PDF] [Online]
The Effect of School Choice on Student's Academic Performance (with Jaesung Choi), Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 2017, 58(1): 1-19. [PDF] [Online]
The Second Shift: Assimilation in Housework Time Among Immigrants, Review of Economics of the Household, 2016, 14(4): 941-959. [PDF] [Online]
Housewife, "Gold Miss," and Equal: The Evolution of Educated Women's Role in Asia and the U.S., Journal of Population Economics, 2016, 29(2): 529-570. [PDF] [Online]
Child Gender and Parental Inputs: No More Son Preference in Korea? (with Eleanor Jawon Choi), American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 2015, 105(5): 638-64. [PDF] [Online]
Permanent Working Paper
Strategies for Reforming Korea's Labor Market to Foster Growth (with Mai Dao, Davide Furceri, Meeyeon Kim, and Tae-Jeong Kim), IMF Working Paper #14/137, BOK Working Paper #2014-25. [PDF]
Book Chapters
Tackling Gender Inequality in Asia: Korea (with Mai Dao, Davide Furceri, and Meeyeon Kim) in Women, Work, and Economic Growth: Leveling the Playing Field, eds. Kalpana Kochhar, Sonali Jain-Chandra, and Monique Newiak, International Monetary Fund, 2017. [PDF] [Online]